Ouch. A simple mistake, huge consquences. But atleast you can start fresh.
call me back later on that
Age 29, Male
Yogurtland for now
418.5 km/s/s
Joined on 3/8/09
Ouch. A simple mistake, huge consquences. But atleast you can start fresh.
True, true...
no offence but, how you could be so dork and gave to some fag any password, don´t do it again, or it´s possible that your new account get hacked and you can´t make another account here again
I'll be more careful this time, I promise.
Sucks fer u.
u ref skcuS
wait wait wait. what? why do you have pyramid clocks password? why did you give his password to someone? wait never mind, not my business
pyramidclock was my alt genius
I'm afraid that is pretty damn retarded to do.
it was because i didnt need the alt anymore
i already had another one
Was it a Rat i saw?
Read backwards...
...sdrawkcab deaR
?Was I taR a ti saW
.....Did I do it right?
yes, i was told that on msn, but i don't like having to explain that to people so i just say you gave away your password.
uh oh