Its not hard dude, its just plain animating, and you're a good animator.
You=Cant animate=Project canceled.
call me back later on that
Age 29, Male
Yogurtland for now
418.5 km/s/s
Joined on 3/8/09
Its not hard dude, its just plain animating, and you're a good animator.
You=Cant animate=Project canceled.
I dont WANT to get the project canceled, but I'm involved in too much stuff already.
Sorry dude.
But can we still be friends?
No shit sherlock, just because you wont do something doesnt mean I'm gonna hate you for all eternity.
It only means I hate you even longer.
jk. I don't hate you, we're still friends
That's a relief. =D
U ok? How'd u get the head injury?
In PE, I jumped a 4 and a half foot hurdle and landed head first.
ouch =(
Rattling = oh teh noes.
Hippiehater1573 responds:
In PE, I jumped a 4 and a half foot hurdle and landed head first.
I'D FUCKING BE CRYING MY ASS OFF IF THAT HAPPENED TO ME. Well, not crying, but saying silently so no one could hear: SHIT, FUCK, GAH, SON OF A FREAKIN, etc.
Damn dude, that has to hurt, sorry it happened.
My reaction:
I had to suck it up and act all cool for the next 10 minutes in front of my friends, but when I was on my way to the office, I was like, "OH MY FUCKING OUCH GAH FUCKING SON OF A SHIT FILLED BITCH MY HEAD HURTS LIKE HELL"
MC9 POV sounds interesting.
No one has noticed that MC9 POV is a huge ripoff of Castle Repercussions.
Hay dude, i just wanna say, if i was make a collab, would you join?
I would totally join, I LOVE collabs.
Yeah, same here :D
lmao i overeact to everything.
by the way dude.. umm.. 4 projects at once? won't it take a couple years to finish them all?
Summer vacation?
oh i see what i did, i misread atomicclouds writing. i thought he said that you threatened to flame all the authors untill they left the collab, not 7 usually flames them. my bad man. i must apologise for my unnecessary harsh comments against you.
lol its fine
it happens with me alot. i misread something like that, and i go crazy. seriously man, sorry about that.
Nah, it's totally cool man.
You should see my friend, he acts like Flippy from HTF; his pupils get smaller and he growls and everything. It's scary hanging out with him.
i dun liek ur tone mr
But I'm telling you the truth!
Well, um,
This is hard to say, but
I dont think I can ANIMATE the project with you, sorry.
I can definitely do the sprites, though, so I can still participate.
So you can do animation, I can do sprites.